Camera framing
Movie plan – the size of a frame covering a portion of space; a specific way of framing, resulting from the distance of the camera from the person being filmed

object, the type of lens and lighting used, and the way the space is composed. The measure of a frame is the human silhouette placed in it and its proportions in relation to the surroundings. Usually one set corresponds to one shot, but sometimes, due to the movement of the character or the movement of the camera, one shot may play out in several sets or several shots may remain in the same set. This is the essence of the process that is film production.
Thanks to depth of field, it is possible to obtain a so-called composite set, in which two or more objects filmed in different sets can be seen simultaneously within a single shot. Transitions between different planes are made by means of editing, intra-unit editing and refocusing.
Types of shots
Long range shots
- total / distant – depicts the general topography of the action space (panorama), the human figure is small, integrated into the vast background or absent; used for general descriptions of the place of action and the presentation of open-air settings
- general – is a complete picture of the place of action, the human figure is noticeable, the open air or decorations are clearly visible; it is usually used to outline the relationship of the character with the environment and to convey general information about the place of action
- full – it is a cut from the general plan, the whole human silhouette fits in the frame, part of the decoration is visible. Popular in silent cinema

distant shot

general shot

full shot
medium shot
- american – is a section of the full set, the human figure is shown from the knees up and dominates the frame; most often used in dialogue scenes
- medium – (also known as half-full and strip) a way of framing a film set that involves showing the character from the waist up. Like the American set, it is used for filming dialogue, but unlike the American set, the facial expressions of the characters play a greater role. One can also encounter the claim that this plan covers the frame from the head to the palm of an upright hand placed along the body.

american shot

medium shot
close shot
- close-up (semi-close-up) – includes the bust, the figure is dominant against the background
- close-up / great close-up – a face or other subject occupies most or all of the frame, allows close observation of the subject’s details or facial expressions
- detail / great close-up – a special form of close-up, a plan of a body detail or important detail of the action that fills the frame; it is a plan of maximum focus, usually serves to increase emotional tension

close shot

close-up shot

Our film studio specializes in producing commercials. The studio has earned a reputation for creative and effective campaigns that effectively capture the attention of viewers. A key element of the How How team’s work is in-depth knowledge of film sets, which forms the basis of our daily operations. Thanks to professionalism and passion, How How studio realizes projects at the highest level, satisfying even the most demanding clients. By the way, take a look at our works.